The online, live UNAA NSW UN Diploma will give you sound knowledge about the United Nations and equip you with transferable skills to be incorporated into your personal career pathway.

You will be inspired to take on global citizenship and gain core skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the community including:

  • The United Nations and its history, structure, and operations
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • UN Agencies and UN Peacekeeping
  • The UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Global citizenship
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Public speaking and making a presentation, and more

We are currently updating the course content, and will announce the next Semester in 2024.

Scholarships for the UNAA (NSW) UN Diploma

UNAA (NSW) values inclusion, diversity and equity, and we offer scholarship places for the UNAA (NSW) UN Diploma.

This enables people from all backgrounds and lived experience to apply for an opportunity participate to in the Diploma.

Eligibility criteria: The scholarships are intended for people who are experiencing greater barriers to opportunities, such as gender diversity, Indigenous status, disability status, cultural diversity, or being a young person.  

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