
UNAA NSW is a membership-based organisation and our members are vital to the work we do. Support us by becoming a member and join a community of like-minded individuals helping to make the world a better place. 

Executive Committee UNAA NSW

By becoming a member, you will:

  • Learn about current and important global issues at seminars, discussions, and regular meet-ups.
  • Meet with like-minded individuals at networking opportunities with leaders from government, community and the wider United Nations network.
  • Share your views with a community of similarly invested members in a non-partisan framework.
  • Be informed of regular UN news, updates and materials on national and international affairs.
  • Gain membership of the world’s only truly universal global organisation founded in 1946.

Wall of Honour

Members of UNAA (NSW) who have contributed outstanding service to the organisation over multiple years may be voted into the esteemed position of life member in recognition of their exemplary efforts. Members who have achieved this title are remembered below (in alphabetical order of surname).

Yvonne Brent – For services in leading the Hunter Region over many years

Maureen Giddings OBE – For services as President during the early 1990s

Kel Gleeson – For services as President 2014-16 and major support of UNAA NSW UN Diploma

UNAA members come from all walks of life – age, education levels, and employment histories aren’t important. What brings them together is a shared interest in the work of the United Nations and in trying to make the world a better place.

We run events for members throughout the year, such as speaker events, dinners, conferences, and film nights. These are a great way to connect with like-minded individuals as well as high-profile UN officials, diplomats, politicians, academics, and other respected guests.

We also hold regular meetings, which provide an opportunity to hear news from the UN, learn about what UNAA NSW is doing in the community, and help develop activities.

ocean lovers festival 2019

Geoffrey Hogan AM – For services as President during the 1980s

Kitty Knight – For services as a Secretary during the early 1990s and leading the Blue Mountains Branch for many years

Geoffrey Little – For services as Vice-President and for 18 years convening the United Nations Cenotaph Ceremony

Rex Ogden – For services as Treasurer during the 1980s and 1990s

Paul Malliate – For services as Treasurer 2015-2023 and Vice President 2017-2019

Lindsay Mell – For services as President 2004-2007 and Executive Committee member until 2019 

As a UNAA NSW Division member you will receive:

  • Access to our online group chat on Slack to connect, learn, and network
  • Event discounts
  • The opportunity to volunteer for projects and events
  • The opportunity to join UNAA NSW teams
  • Annual National Volunteer Week certificate
  • The right to nominate for office and vote at the UNAA NSW Division AGM
  • The opportunity to participate in the UNAA National Conference and National Council Meetings

Thelma Palmer – For services as Secretary during the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s

Lurline Price – A former UN employee, for services leading UNAA(NSW) seminars and conferences in the early 1990s

Franklin Scarf – For services as President, for leading the Blue Mountains Branch and for services to the environment over many years

Dr Keith Suter – For services as President during the 1980s and 1990s, speaking at events and advocating in the media for the United Nations, including writing several relevant books and long-form articles

Please note:

  • Membership is subject to the UNAA (NSW) Executive Committee approval.
  • Membership is open to people over 15 years of age.
  • Membership Renewals Notice: Online membership to the UNAA NSW Division automatically renews upon expiry. You are welcome to log in and cancel your membership at any time.
  • Other requirements are laid out in the membership application page

Rev Geoffrey Usher – For services as Vice President in 2011 and Secretary 2012-20216

Kenneth Weekes Esquire (Vice-president Emeritus) – For services in leading numerous education, communication and advocacy activities on behalf of the UNAA(NSW) over many years. A recipient of the UNAA Peace Prize

Valerie Weekes – For services as President in the 2000s

Dr Peter Airey – For services as President and for his genuine commitment to the Association

Diane Sackelariou OAM – Long term member and supporter

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